Friday, December 7, 2012

DIY Toilet Paper Roll Art

So I just became admin of a Facebook page called I love DIY. Inspired, I googled toilet paper roll crafts. Here are a few of my favorites. These are made by flattening the toilet paper roll, then cutting it into equal widths. How you assemble is up to you. Here are some inspirations.

  This one is my favorite! ^^^^

The ideas below are from
Make a Butterfly

    • Butterfly Shape

      Gather a toilet paper roll, an unsharpened pencil, construction paper, craft paint, paintbrush, chenille stem, scissors, a hole punch and a hot glue gun.
      Paint the toilet paper roll green and set it aside to dry. Draw a butterfly shape onto the construction paper. The butterfly should be approximately 6 inches wide and 4 inches high. Cut out the butterfly and punch a small hole at the top center. Insert a 4-inch long chenille stem through the hole and twist it together once to create the antennae. Paint the butterfly wings with bright colors. Allow the paint to dry before proceeding.
      When the paint is dry, attach the butterfly to the eraser end of the pencil with the hot glue gun.
      Fold the butterfly wings carefully around the pencil and insert the pencil and butterfly into the toilet paper roll. Slowly push the pencil all the way through the toilet paper roll so the butterfly emerges as if it is emerging from a cocoon.


    • Make a simple noisemaker that young children will enjoy.
      Use a toilet paper roll, unpopped popcorn, clear duct tape and decorating materials for the outside of the toilet paper roll.
      Cover one end of the toilet paper roll with a generous amount of clear duct tape to seal the end. Pour 20 to 30 popcorn kernels into the toilet paper roll from the other side. Seal the other end of the toilet paper roll with clear duct tape in the same fashion.
      Provide materials for decorating the noisemaker. Stickers, markers, crayons, glitter glue, stamps and foam shapes are all suitable options for decorating the noisemaker and making it look colorful and interesting.
      Use the noisemakers by shaking them back and forth, or up and down. Arrange an impromptu marching band and march with the noisemakers to lively music.


    • Help kids make a pair of binoculars for exploring.
      Gather two toilet paper rolls for each pair of binoculars, a hole punch, yarn, scissors, a hot glue gun and decorating materials.
      Prepare the craft ahead of time for the kids by hot gluing two toilet paper rolls together to fashion the binoculars. Cut a 2-foot length of yarn and punch a hole in each toilet paper roll at one end. Tie one end of the yarn into one hole and the other end of the yarn into the other hole to make a neck strap.
      Give a prepared pair of binoculars to each child and provide materials for decorating. Markers, crayons, foam shapes, stickers, stamps and craft paint are all appropriate materials to use to decorate the binoculars. Allow the binocular decorations to dry completely before using the binoculars.

      Napkin Rings

      • Toilet paper tubes work well for creating your own custom Christmas napkin rings to dress up the holiday table. The toilet paper tube is cut into thirds. The kids paint the outsides in red and green and add other holiday-themed accents. One simple option is to cut holly leaves out of green construction paper and glue them to the tube. You can then glue three red pompoms to resemble berries.

      Mexican Bracelets

      • Put together Mexican bracelets made of toilet paper rolls for an innovative way to teach school children about art, recycling and Mexican jewelry. Paint some dried beans -- pinto, white or kidney -- with a turquoise acrylic paint. These will represent decorative turquoise stones on the bracelets. Glue some aluminum foil around an empty toilet paper roll or paint it silver. Allow the glue or paint to dry. Cut the toilet paper roll down one long side with a pair of scissors. Cut the roll again -- this time across the width -- depending on how wide you want your bracelets. Each roll can make two or three bracelets. Glue the painted beans onto the bracelets and sequins to decorate the Mexican jewelry.

      Snake Craft

      • Making a snake craft out of toilet paper rolls is an interesting projects when students are studying amphibians or nature. Cut three empty toilet paper rolls in half in the middle so that you have a total of six tubes. Paint the toilet paper rolls with light green, dark green and black acrylic paints. Use the paintbrush to form rings around the snake craft, make stripes or even add polka dots with the paint. Allow the paint to dry. Make a hole near the edge of each tube with a hole punch. Connect the snake's body together with paper clips, or tie the tubes together with short pieces of black yarn. Cut a red tongue shape out of construction paper and glue it into one end for the mouth. Glue a pair of googly eyes to the head. Allow the snake craft to dry. Attach a piece of yarn in a hole punched in the mouth area. This allows you to pull the snake toy behind you.

the following are from

15 Recycled Paper Roll Crafts

toilet roll crafts
I don’t know many households that don’t have a few empty paper rolls hanging around. They are great for crafts and we have 15 fun ideas to use paper rolls for. Earth Day is coming up and making one ( or more) of these crafts is a wonderful hands on way to teach your children about recycling.

1.Recycled Sailboat
2.Toilet Roll Frankenstein
3. Paper Roll Rocket
5. Music Shaker
6.Toilet Paper Roll Puppets
7. Toilet Paper Roll Airplane
9. Paper Roll Apples
10.Wrapping Paper Roll Flag
11.Family Bowling
12. Paper Roll Necklace
13. Paper Roll Flutes
14.Superhero Cuff
15. Paper Roll Flowers

the ones below are from

20 things to do with … toilet paper rolls

20 things to do with toilet paper rolls.
If there is one craft item that’s plentiful in every household, it’s toilet paper rolls. And the bigger your family, the more of a stockpile you’re likely to produce! So what to do with them? Here are 20 fun ideas to try out – from kiddie crafts to practical recycling options.

1. DIY gift boxes

Make gift boxes from toilet paper rollsSource:
So, gifts and toilet paper aren’t usually two things that go together, but with a couple of folds and some decoration you can transform toilet rolls in to pillow boxes perfect for party favours or little treats. See how it’s done at Skip to My Lou.

2. Wall art

Make wall art from toilet paper rollsSource:
Beautiful, graphic and architectural, you can make just about any pattern you like using this technique. The cut-up rolls are glued together and then held in place with clothes pegs until dry. See it close up at Myrtle & Eunice.

3. Crafty flowers

Toilet paper flowersSource:
A rainy day craft with a big payoff – bright, gorgeous flowers! Get the tutorial from Better Homes & Gardens, and see the finished product over at Saltwater-Kids.

4. Bird feeder

Toilet roll bird feederSource:
Toilet paper rolls + peanut butter + birdseed + twine = a recycled bird feeder that the kids can help make. Get the tutorial at TP Craft.

5. Hanging heart decorations

Heart decorations made from toilet paper rollsSource:
Save this idea up for next Valentine’s Day, or surprise your loved one today! See how it was made over at DRI (Spanish language site).

6. Seedling containers

Toilet paper rolls uses as seedling containersSource: via
Grow seedlings in toilet paper rolls and when they are ready to plant, you simply put the whole thing in the ground (the rolls will decompose).

7. Party crowns

Party crowns made from toilet paper rolls
Teeny tiny crowns for teeny tiny princesses – how gorgeous! Cut, decorate, and attach some elastic. See the steps over at Creative Jewish Mom.

8. Cable storage

Toilet paper rolls as cable storageSource:
Let’s pretend we all thought of this. Because … why didn’t we?! A super simple cable fix (pretty paper covering optional). Cables can then be stored vertically in boxes to save space. Apartment Therapy has a tutorial for how to make this covered version.

9. Race track

Toilet paper roll race trackSource:
Fancy, schmancy toys, eat your heart out. Create cool race tracks and marble runs with this idea from What do you do all day?

10. Costume wig

Toilet paper rolls used as a costume wigSource: Handmade Spark via
This idea reall had us giggling. Grab the tutorial at Handmade Spark and save it up for your next dress up party.

11. Owl puppets

Owl puppets made from toilet paper rollsSource:
Hoot if you’re cute! These sweet winking owls featured on Decoldias are very charming, and there are loads of other animals you could make with this technique.

12. Craft caddy

Craft caddy made from toilet paper rollsSource:
Get step-by-step instructions for creating this mega craft caddy over at Instructables.

13. Papercut art

Papercut art made from toilet rollsSource:
These creations might be a bit beyond your average crafter, but they are beautiful to look at nonetheless. Artist Anastassia Elias mounts miniature papercut scenes inside toilet rolls, producing a tiny, layered world inside a very unlikely object.

14. Heart stamp

Heart stamp made from toilet paper rollsSource:
Super sweet! Let your little one create heart-stopping artworks with this easy DIY stamper created by Rust & Sunshine.

15. Play binoculars

Binoculars made from toilet paper rollsSource:
Your next jungle-themed party needs these! Get the instructions at World of Mex.

16. Cardboard castle

Carboard castle made from toilet paper rollsSource:
Knights and princesses will be equally captivated by this DIY castle. We love the little trees – such a simple idea. Read the step-by-step at bloesem kids.

17. Doll’s chairs

Dolls chairs made from cardboard tubesSource:
Glenyce from Mid-Craft Crisis made these fancy little chairs for her daughter’s Barbie out of recycled mailing tubes, but you easily make a version from toilet rolls too.

18. Animal marionettes

Animal marionettes made from toilet paper rollsSource:
Leaf prints and toilet paper rolls combine to make Autumnal marionette birds. See how they were made over at Red Ted Art.

19. Race cars

Race cars made from toilet paper rollsSource:
A simple idea, but a classic. Toilet paper rolls plus juice lids and detergent caps. And they’re off! Created by Rubbish Craft For Toddlers.

20. Music maker

Tubular bellsSource:
Kate from Mini Eco makes very beautiful things from paper, card and ordinary objects. This simple instrument is made by skewering holes in a cardboard tube and attaching bells with a needle and thread. A pop of coloured paper in this inside makes it fun!

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