Friday, September 2, 2011

Chew on THIS !

I have pretty much been on a diet my whole life. Watching my mother constantly be on one diet or another, always making attempts at exercising or eating super healthy, that last only a week. Not to mention the extraordinary large gut which runs on my maternal side of the family, constantly illiciting "are you pregnant" comments and stares ....

Even though I have only technically "dieted" a few times, and exercise is a foreign language .... *walking 14 blocks to and from work everyday for 2 years was the most exercise Ive ever received...* I am always aware of the COST of my food and drink. The calorie COST, the fat COST, the sugar and salt COST, not to mention, that since I have been pretty much broke my whole life, the monetary COST. So my approach to food is this. There is not enough money to waste on stuffing your face with crap. There is no room to nudge on trying to eat a healthy and filling meal when its your only meal of the day...

No, Im not saying these things to try to get sympaty. On the contrary, I am sharing my knowledge, that admittedly was obtained through a series of freak situations in my life. Get ready to alter your mind. Alter your thinking of food, for just a minute. A few of the things I tell you will stick in your head forever, like glue, while some will fade away.

Either way, I am using one of my favorite books, EAT THIS NOT THAT as my reference in this article.

Here we go:

I never miss an opportunity to learn something new. Especially about my favorite subject, FOOD! Watching cooking shows, reading cookbooks and food books (I read diet books sometimes just to quench my cravings! So it looks like I want to be healthy, but really I am indulging in serious eye candy!)

Its a way to have your love affair with food .... without gaining weight and without breaking the bank, and especially when you only have a cabinet full of Ramen, and Ramen is all that is in sight for your dining future.

P.S. Check out some other things to do with Ramen Noodles :: The College Survival Guide, 50 Ramen Recipes.

My copy of EAT THIS, NOT THAT, is of course, checked out FREE from my local library. I also am signed up for their e-mail blast via  EATTHIS.COM

#1 Shred your own CHEESE. Pre-shredded mixtures, even the great Sargento cheese, adds sodium and other chemicals to prevent clumping. Buy the block and shred your own.

#2 OUTBACK's appetizer, Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch & Bacon ~ Hands down the single WORST food in America. and it's only an appetizer!! With approx 2,500 calories, I will take a steak dinner any day of the week!

#3 Lo Mein noodles are covered in OIL (extra FAT) to prevent them from sticking. And also, obviously to make them taste delicious. Have regular unoiled noodles and rice, or better yet opt for some steamed broccoli.

#4 Marinara Sauce (not meat sauce and definitely NOT fatty, cheesy, white sauce) is always best for pasta and pizza.

<---------- STAY AWAY !!!!

#5 Peaches are the sugariest of all fruits.

#6 Research shows that food puffed with air (Cheeto's, Marshmallows, Cheez Balls, etc) are more filling and a better snack value.

#7 3 Musketeers, Milky Way, and Peppermint patty are the best candy bars. Airy nougat takes the place of thick chocolate or caramel.

#8 An English Muffin has less calories than 2 slices of bread (and in my opinion they taste better) so make your breakfast sandwich on an english muffin.

#9 Speaking of MUFFINS, McDonalds Egg McMuffin is the best breakfast sandwich, in terms of fat and calories. And a regular MUFFIN, like blueberry or raspberry, or worse, chocolate .... is like CAKE. Just as fatty and sugary. You are eating pure CAKE for breakfast! Put it down!

#10 Bacon always beats sausage as the breakfast meat of choice. Simply because there is less meat in a slice of bacon.

#11 Chocolate milk is better to drink pre and post workout than a chocolate protein shake. Milk contains more natural ingredients, and potassium & electrolytes slowly and effectively get your body going smoothly again. Plus the small amount of sugar in the choco milk is enough to boost your energy for the period of the workout.

#12 Always eat your breakfast within 90 minutes of waking. After then, your body begins to think it will not get a morning meal and starts eating your muscles (eew!)

#13 MY FAVORITE **** Replace ALL (or one a day) sodas with water. Just replacing 20 ounces of soda a day with water saves you 200 calories, or 12 pounds a year. Without even trying! The sodium in diet cokes is what keeps you bloated. Everyone will notice the weight you have lost....go ahead, try this for 2 weeks.

#14 .25 ounce of Monterey Jack, Cheddar, Gouda, or Mozzarella cheese will boost pH levels in your mouth to protect from cavities!

#15 Baked potato with the SKIN!!! can decrease blood pressure, because of all the POTASSIUM. Potatoes, even potato chips, are high in potassium which helps ensure proper blood and oxygen flow to your muscles. Bananas are loaded with this too, thats why when you get a cramp, Grandma tells you to eat a banana.

#16 Mixing liquor with DIET SODA can intensify the alcoholic effect (your blood alcohol level) by 50% !!! This is the best tip ever for a broke girl trying to get her buzz on. Bonus points if the drinks are two-for-one during happy hour!

#17 Sunflower seeds are LOADED with Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. So are Swiss Chard, Total Cereal, and Propel Fitness water. #1 antioxidant in the American Diet? COFFEE ! Just dont load it with sugar and fatty milks. 

******* ADDITION ******* 9/20/2011*****
I was thinking today about something that is of most importance when deciding which foods to spend your hard earned money on.
Always make sure that you read the label! Just because something is "Light" or "Lite" with "65% less fat" think that 65% of 3 grams of fat is only, like, 2 grams. so are you willing to give up flavor just to save 2 grams of fat? Always make sure that you read the nutrition label and the ingredients label. It is usually best to choose the least processed , least chemical ingredient-laden things.
So is it just me, or do you feel a little Schooled? I hope that you read these tips, bookmark them, print them out, whatever. Just absorb the knowledge, and move forward. Without all that UNNECESSARY fat, calories and cash.

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