Wednesday, January 23, 2013

100 Things You Can Make Yourself

I stumbled upon this list of 100 Things You Can Make Yourself and it fascinated me. Some are actually doable, and some made me laugh out loud (wait until you see the cuff links!).

  1. Applesauce
  2. Spaghetti sauce
  3. Barbecue sauce
  4. Maple syrup
  5. Jelly
  6. Peanut butter
  7. Mayonnaise
  8. Bacon
  9. Guacamole
  10. Pesto
  11. Salsa
  12. Mango salsa
  13. Vanilla extract
  14. Hummus
  15. Coffee
  16. Tofu
  17. Gravy
  18. Chocolate kisses
  19. Wedding cake
  20. Stuffing
  21. Rootbeer
  22. Ginger Ale
  23. Pancake mix
  24. Pudding pops
  25. Ice cream
  26. Chicken Nuggets
  27. Pizza
  28. Pasta
  29. Pickles
  30. Wine
  31. Beer
  32. Whiskey
  33. Dog treats
  34. Playdough
  35. Fingerpaint
  36. Bubbles
  37. Books
  38. Laundry detergent
  39. All-purpose household cleaner
  40. Soap
  41. Shampoo
  42. Hair conditioner
  43. Moisturizer
  44. Mouthwash
  45. Baskets
  46. Incense
  47. Paper
  48. Rubber stamps
  49. Jewelry
  50. Curtains
  51. Rugs
  52. Candles
  53. Camera
  54. CD Cases
  55. Bookshelves
  56. Couches
  57. Tables
  58. Stool
  59. Sweater
  60. Skirt
  61. Poncho
  62. Coat
  63. Blouse
  64. Shorts
  65. Gloves
  66. Socks
  67. Tree fort
  68. Backyard shed
  69. Gazebo
  70. Windmill
  71. Birdhouse
  72. Compost
  73. Bio-diesel fuel
  74. Solar-powered generator
  75. House
  76. Snowshoes
  77. Sun clock
  78. Bread
  79. Potato chips
  80. Pretzels
  81. Donuts
  82. Sausages
  83. Bagels
  84. Piñata
  85. Crayons
  86. Gnocchi
  87. Guitar
  88. 4th of July sparklers
  89. Lava lamp
  90. Tortillas
  91. Kimchee
  92. Hula-hoop
  93. Loofah
  94. Cheese
  95. 3-D glasses
  96. Kite
  97. Igloo
  98. Modeling clay
  99. Crossword puzzles
  100. Cufflinks

Thanks Bliss Tree, via

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